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Resources from vSHP 2020

Access materials from our 2020 Virtual Summer Conference

The recordings and necessary resources for the 2020 vSHP can be found below. You will need the passwords you were sent during the conference in order to access the materials.

Plenary 1
From principles to practice: reinvigorating your curriculum using SHP principles.
Sally Burnham & Sally Thorne

Workshop A1
The what, why and how of broadening historical content at Key Stage 3
Christine Counsell

Workshop A2
‘From causes to meanings’: the case for a cultural turn in school history
Jacob Olivey & Alex Benger

Workshop A3
A3 Europe: how DID we get here? – teaching (not avoiding) a controversial topic!
Helen Snelson

Workshop B1
Britain and Transatlantic Slavery: principles and resources for teaching a sensitive past
Abdul Mohamud and Robin Whitburn

Workshop B2
Who’s that historian in the corner of the classroom?
Ben Walsh

Workshop B3
The Colonial Countryside Project
Dan Lyndon-Cohen, Corinne Fowler & Ross Miles

Workshop C1
Collecting and connecting with oral histories in the classroom
Mary Brown

Workshop C2
A local history in 30 artefacts
Rachel Lewin

Workshop C3
Teaching the GCSE Historic Environment: dos and don’ts for choosing and interrogating an historic site to maximise student engagement and exam success
Sarah Jackson

Plenary 2
The new Ofsted framework for historians
Tim Jenner, Ofsted History Subject Lead

If you need some support in accessing these files, please look here.
