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Conference materials: Jamie Byrom’s plenary

At this summer’s conference, Jamie Byrom spoke on the topic, ‘Floating their boat – helping low-attainers in history’. He drew on his considerable experience in the classroom and as History adviser in Devon to share strategies grouped into three categories – using enquiry questions, long-term planning and day-to-day planning. We’re delighted to be able to share his pr...

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Conference materials: Historian in the classroom – Yasmin Khan: the Raj at War

This workshop was based on a collaboration with the historian Yasmin Khan. The substantive focus was a comparative study of the British and Indian Home fronts during the second world war. However, we were also keen to give access to the ways historians construct their historical claims. The 12-minute film was made to allow Yasmin Khan to talk directly to students about her methods, her issues with...

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Teaching Black Tudors – resources

Black Tudors Miranda Kaufman’s plenary at SHP 2019 and workshop by Josh Garry and Wendy Lennon alerted delegates to a range of approached that teachers nationally are developing using Miranda’s books. The short blog explains the background to the project while the Google Drive contains materials that have already been created to support teachers, but please feel free to add some of your own. Curre...

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SHP 2018: Sixth Plenary

Helen Snelson today talking about oral history and its use in the classroom. Helen was inspired by a story on Her Story Made History on Radio 4, in particular the story of Madera Al Ajroush, who has successfully campaigned for women to be allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. When Helen attended a seminar on oral history, she was recommended a book called The Voice of the Past by Paul Thompson. If you...

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SHP 2018: Fourth Plenary

Claire Alexander, Robin Bunce, Maya Parmar, Pragya Vohra and Brodie Waddell presenting their work on the award winning ‘Our Migration Story’ – teaching migration history and why it matters so much. Claire is approaching the study from a sociological focus and has worked with the Runnymede Trust, a race equality think tank. She’s also been working with a Cambridge historian ...

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SHP 2018: Third plenary

Tim Cole, Professor of Social History at Bristol University, speaking on Beyond Auschwitz: exploring the meaning of local landscapes in the evolution of the Holocaust. Tim begins with the famous spot in Auschwitz where the rail line branches close to the gates. This was completed in 1944 for the deportation of the Hungarian Jews and has become an iconic vision of the Holocaust. There’s a spa...

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SHP 2018: Second plenary

Putting ordinary people back into the history of the Industrial Revolution, with Hannah Barker, Sarah Alderson and Daisy Horsley. Hannah has recently written a book called Family and Business during the Industrial Revolution. She encourages us to stick with it through the first two chapters of economic history as ‘it does get juicier’. Who should history be about? History that focuses ...

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30 Years of the SHP conference: 1st plenary

The conference kicks off, after a welcome from director Michael Riley, with a plenary session from Richard McFahn, co-planned with Neil Bates, on helping your students to achieve at GCSE. Rich says that when they started planning the session they looked to Twitter to find out what students had thought about it. Their tweets revealed some good knowledge of the GCSE but perhaps not much confidence! ...

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Patriotism and the Great War

This simulation by Ian Luff is designed to help students think deeply about the experience of soldiers on the Western Front. The resources are from Ian’s plenary session at the 2016 SHP Conference. Patriotism and the Great War Guide part 1 Patriotism and the Great War Guide part 2 Resource 1. Declaration Resource 2. Sylvia Pankhurst Briefing Notes Resource 3 Siegfried Sassoon Briefing Notes ...

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