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Virtual Q&A with Peter Brathwaite about his Black Portraiture project

Virtual Q&A with Peter Brathwaite about his Black Portraiture project



Antoine Pesne: Black Youth with Flowers and Vessels (1715)

One of the real highlights of lockdown has been the amazing Black Portraiture project by Peter Brathwaite. With time on his hands, Peter joined in with the Getty Museum Challenge to recreate famous works of art – but he has taken it to another level!

The images are funny, poignant, personal , celebratory, challenging and much more besides; the historical context is impressively thorough too. This is anything but a superficial project, and will have value in classrooms everywhere as well as bringing some joy.

Peter has been kind enough to agree to be interviewed by SHP Honorary Fellow Donald Cumming about the project who will also share a few of the highlights from the more than 60 works he has done to date.

Peter is a man of many talents aside from this project, including:

  • One of the country’s leading baritone singers, performing with the Royal Opera
  • A writer and presenter on BBC Radio 3’s Musical Time Travellers series
  • The writer and performer of the acclaimed show ‘Degenerate Music: Music Banned by the Nazis
  • He also contributed to the superb BBC Radio 4 series ‘Black Music in Europe: a Hidden History’

In order to join Peter and Donald via Zoom, Saturday 4th July, 4pm (BST) sign up for free at