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Remember Me

Revising individuals from the Medicine Development Study

The purpose of this lesson is to revise key individuals from the medicine development study. My students often get them mixed up so I have devised a number of activities to help them remember the work of key individuals. I have brought 3 of the activities together here to create a revision lesson. A mixture of visual, oral and written activities consolidates students’ knowledge.


A WORD version of this revision activity and accompanying resources can be downloaded:

1. For this activity as a Word document [ click here ]

2 For the Bingo Cards [ click here ]

3. For the PowerPoint [ click here ]

4. For the Name Cards [ click here ]

5. For the Contribution Cards [ click here ]

Starter – Visual Bingo

Give out the bingo cards to the students and build an atmosphere of fun and competition. This is not a game of chance but accuracy. The winner will be the one (or ones) who get them all right! Have prizes ready.

Put up PowerPoint and explain to students that when they recognise an individual they should write the number of the slide in the box below their name. This can be repeated until at least one student completes and gets all the names right.

Feedback to class using PowerPoint – an opportunity to repeat key parts of the stories of individuals included.

Main Activity – Card Sort

This activity is designed to give students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the story of each individual again. Give students the name cards and the contribution cards. Students sort the cards out so that each named individual has 3 cards describing their contributions to the development of medicine. They do this in small groups or pairs and they should discuss where to place the cards, and then agree

I follow this with a class discussion to identify the correct placing of cards and ensure that everyone has the right information in front of them.

Plenary – Revision Card Making

Each student is given an A6 revision card on which to summarise in 3 or 4 bullet points the information they have on one chosen individual. I explain how to do this by modelling on the board. Each student is then given 10 minutes max to read the information in front of them and to complete the task. Students are asked to write as neatly as possible.

By the end of the plenary there are 12 character cards. Students hand them in. I choose the best ones and I duplicate a set for each student and have them laminated.

At a later lesson I then give them the cards and introduce another game which they play in pairs. They divide the cards into two piles and play a ‘snap’ type game. The one who gets the most cards right wins!

And most students do not even realise they are revising!
